Architectural Services

At Luxury Homes, we believe that communicating with clients to understand their needs is crucial for optimising the client satisfaction of every project we undertake. We understand that every project is unique meaning its necessary we regularly discuss with our clients any changes that need to be made. Our architectural services ensure that they work closely with the contractors, engineers, surveyors and planning departments to ensure we follow through with accuracy and precision in every action we take. We also take into full consideration the budget, the safety and the community around. Our main architectural services include:

  • Drawing detailed plans using professional software
  • Frequent site surveys
  • Frequent meetings with our clients

When planning, we assure that our clients are advised on the policies for planning by helping you understand the planning procedures to prevent a delay in the build into months or even years. If required, we will get involved and liaise with the planning officers to optimise your advantages so you can get the most out of this build.

Our architectural services ties in with the design stage. Once the basic floor plans have been agreed, we begin the interior design process while the architectural stage continues in the background.

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